Carrot Walnut Cake

Carrot Walnut Cake

We are sure you cannot keep your hands off of our delicious Eggless Carrot Walnut Cake. The cake comes with a shelf life that can stay longer than your cravings! Perfectly blended flavors of carrots & walnuts make it the best bites to serve your taste buds with.  

Available in :

Nutritional Information Per 100 g % RDA Per Serve#
Energy (kcal) 387.00 9.68%
Protein (g) 6.43  
Carbohydrates (g) 41.89  
Total Sugar (g) 25.29  
Added Sugar (g) 23.35 23.35%
Total Fat 21.16 15.79%
Saturated Fat (g) 7.83 17.80%
Monounsaturated fat (g) 7.81  
Polyunsaturated fat (g) 5.29  
Trans Fat (g) 0.04 0.98%
Cholesterol (mg) 7.34  
Dietary Fibre (g) 1.65  
Sodium (mg) 7.03 0.18%